Aiming to help every dentist to solve problems – daily ones too – that could, at times, jeopardize the image of an office, Resista searched through the market for certified and reliable suppliers, to support professionals in solving problems such as the safety of the dental office, the removal of implants and/or fractured screws and the management of peri-implantitis and mucositis in patients.
Non-surgical treatment of periodontal disease:

Second-generation photodynamic therapy based on delta-δ-aminolevulinic acid.
Hybenx e GapSeal
Often, preventing and knowing how to resolve peri-implantitis and/or mucositis can become crucial to ensuring the long life of a dental implant.
Today more than ever it is not enough to do a good surgery but it becomes essential to adopt all the necessary procedures to guarantee the work for as long as possible

Feactured implants or screws
Often the dentist finds himself in front of patients who have a fractured implant or screw. In the absence of suitable instruments the professional is forced to core the implant, with evident biological damage for the patient.
Resista has studied different solutions to solve these problems.
Intradermal Fillers
Unique and innovative line with 7 different formulations of dermafiller to offer patients aesthetic treatments to complete therapeutic plans aimed at restoring complete harmony of the smile

Online reporting+
Law 101/20, which came into force in August 2020, establishes new fundamental safety standards relating to protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionizing radiation and imposes new obligations and fulfillments that are the responsibility of both the operator and the person responsible for the radiological facility.
Thanks to the collaboration with RX DENTAL, Resista provides dentists with a portal dedicated mainly to online reporting and radiological consultancy.
Water, air and surface treatment
We offer various solutions for water, air and surface decontamination to reduce any form of contamination to the maximum.

Individual protective equipment and rapid tests
Diagnostic tools and solutions for protection from possible direct contamination during chairside treatments.