List of solutions
Bone substitute
A range of synthetic and heterologous bone substitutes to meet any surgical need
Synthetic bone (Tricalcium sulphate and biphasic calcium phosphate)
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Bone substitute (Noraker - Activioss)
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Osteobiol Catalogue
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Wide range of synthetic and heterologous membranes to choose from
Synthetic membranes (Activioss)
pdf - 0.3 MB
Osteobiol Catalogue
pdf - 15.34 MB
Surgical Glue Glubran 2
It is a class III CE certified surgical medical device for internal and endovascular use with multiple properties including adhesive, sealing, haemostatic and bacteriostatic properties. GLUBRAN 2 is a new synthetic tissue adhesive based on N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate and methacryloxysulfolan which, in contact with living tissue and biological fluids, such as blood or water, polymerizes rapidly creating a thin and elastic film with high tensile strength. Thanks to the presence of methacryloxysulfolan, GLUBRAN 2 is more biocompatible, has a lower polymerization temperature (maximum 45 degrees), does not cause tissue necrosis and has greater elasticity than other cyanoacrylates. The Ministry of Health has authorised the use of GLUBRAN 2 for over 85 indications, including blood vessels, mucous membranes, bone, even in maxillofacial surgery, oral surgery and paediatric use.

Brochure GLUBRAN
pdf - 3.55 MB
Complete range of sutures of both natural and synthetic materials with various needle choices to meet the widest range of surgical needs
Suture Assut Europe brochure
pdf - 2.23 MB